
Mother\'s Day poem (Thehara age 10)

I love you, mother,for the things you do,

always making our dreams come true.

Telling us the difference between right and wrong,

and reading us stories , attempting songs.


Everyday we wake up,

You\'re always out of bed.

Sometimes you need a rest;

to, of course, rest your weary head.


Everyone in our house finds you, oh-so-sweet,

but most of all,you keep the rooms neat!

We appreciate your contribution keeping the household sane,

You also talk to lots of people, next-door and down the lane .


Being a mum must be tough work,

Sometimes , I suppose you feel berserk! 

We don\'t get a chance to say how we intend;

especially when you are doing a backwards bend.


If you could doze off to troubless sleep,

climbing a mountain ,very steep,

What would you dream of,I wonder why?

Would you dream about me ,the apple of your eye?