
Festival of Lights

From the time, I had this dream
I remember the stars I had seen,
And the splendor of lights passing
Between a brand new day awakening.
They came on tour to fill our eyes,
with the grandest festival of lights.
Dancing of knights enthralling delights.
Lanterns glowing on the fiery flight.
Their blankets haul over our street.
Swirling up above and flying below,
The orbiting moon lurking in a glow,
of a realm with the festival of lights,
Illuminating brighter in our thoughts.
A cluster of skies in this amazing place,
where stars join the galaxy of a race.
on concourse dynasty migrating to shine,
illusive displays of romance in our time.
Stars outlived the terrain we have chosen,
They look unaffected by trauma or burden.
During the night, they make reflections
Appear as carnival paths to all directions.
A cluster of stars we find in slippery places,
Leave the night by rapid flight in flashes.
They will shine again brilliantly while passing,
through the atmosphere trailing and traveling.
guide all those who come into celestial realm,
with a bright torch to shine upon our dream.
The clearest emblem on the darkest nights,
God lives on through the festival of lights.
Stunning deeds were drawn out from our soul.
People make the highest virtues in this world.
We are not alone, even when left on our own,
The soul is never far away from the other home.
There are many nations of people and race.
All humanity is journeying to the same place.
Turn at the lights, crossing from peace bridge
To find destiny where all pedestrians merge.