
Road To Redemption

Fits tune: Rockingham

(\'My God, and is thy table spread\')

Based on Luke Chapter 23 part


When Christ on road to Calvary

Simon was made to carry tree

Cyrenian he, journey did make

Jesus on cross our sins did take


On way to cross there women wept

They had a faithful vigil kept

But Christ said, \'Weep not daughters for me\'

Though consider this times green tree


Fro green the day, yet what shall be

When troubles more, and dry the tree?

Mourn, sorrow, repent, turn from sin

Be filled with His Spirit within


And there on cross, His words were said

\'Forgive them Father\', when He bled

\'For they do know not what they do\'

With e\'en them [He] shared His covenant new


The dying thief rejoiced that he

Same day he would in paradise be

Granted request then by Christ sure

He would remember him e\'ermore


With your grace, help, we journey on

Follow your footsteps, you have gone

Before us, lived, died, rose again

To save all children, women, men


Dark, dark, the day, you crucified

No other could pay price beside

For our sins, yet from tomb you rose

Your glorious kingdom ever grows