

I wonder if you are content in your empty life.
If you recognize your ego and lack of depth.
Deep only in your games so carefully crafted.
Leaving your \"girls\" without a free breath.
Wrapping them up tight with your empty lies.
Taking part of them to keep to create need.
Need for your touch, kiss, eyes, smile, deep.
They\'d wait for your attention so they could feed.
Then along came me, the one who stayed.
Your pretty words never really got to me.
Your lack of control kept you trying to win.
Eating away at your ego that I wouldn\'t see.
I have no vision for the fantasy you spew.
It eats you up that I won\'t fall into your trap.
That I don\'t let you take part of me to keep.
My sense of self feeling like a bitch slap.
Fact is I took part of you for me to keep.
That one over there doesn\'t keep you free.
Your attention is mine an I am not around.
Every time you touch a \"girl\" you feel me.
You pay to find out where I live, your mine.
Alone with a need to keep me always in sight.
My attention gone and my body is not yours.
Damn, I can feel your pain from my slight.
It must drive you insane that I walked away.
Knowing I\'ll give another my passionate side.
Feeling the loss of me with your back no matter what.
I keep my part of you on my sleeve, no need to hide.


Becky Jo Gibson ©