
My Heart

This world is a mystery to me. 

All I ever wanted was to lend a hand to it. 

All I ever wanted was to spend every beat of my heart on this world and the people living in it. 

Those who are hurting, broken, and lost.

The ones that are being trampled beneath our feet but are too scared, too weak, to cry out. 

The ones I never thought I would be a part of. 

All I wanted was to help stitch up every wound in this Earth with my own two hands. 

But instead the world neglected me. 

It ripped my sensitive heart apart piece by piece,

Crushed me, broke me, snapped me in half. 

And then it threw me to the side. 

It threw me to the side and let life have its way with me as it violated every corner of my mind even when I begged it to stop. 

Now all I want to do is cry. 

Cry and scream and disappear. 

And I thought I wanted nothing to do with this world ever again.

But my heart, my beaten heart, picked itself up looked me in the eyes and told me we\'re not done yet.

You see, my heart refuses to be selfish, refuses to abandon the people who are just like me. 

Because now I know how it feels, 

And now I know the desperation in finding those whose hearts have given up on them.

I need to help them. 

And even though this world crushed my soul into a million pieces, that\'s okay. 

I will just become a mosaic to those needy of love.