
Santuary Bar

Work day was tuff,

Had to work late.

Just wasn’t enough,

The lunch I ate.


But, it’s not just food,

I need to be fed.

But, time to myself,

Be with just me, instead.


It’s not that I’m sad,

Or, even depressed.

I just need to sit,

And, decompress.


I’ll get off my chair,

Put on my coat.

Take my coffee cup,

And, my lunch tote.


Turn off the light,

Head to the hall.

Don’t come back,

Until tomorrow.


In my car,

Turn the key.

Go to a bar,

Very near me.


Turn the wheel,

Towards the lot.

Found a close,

Parking spot.


Out the door,

To the walk.

Hope no one,

Wants to talk.


Just want to escape,

Again to feel human.

All by myself,

Me, once again.


Grab a seat,

At the bar.

Order a drink,

Home’s not very far.


Nibble on popcorn,

Watch the T.V.

Not really looking,

At what’s on the screen.


Sit and dwell,

How the day went down.

It’s a noisy bar,

But, I hear no sounds.


Ice has melted,

Into the booze.

I’m so relaxed,

But, not enough to snooze.


Get my tab,

Pay the bill.

Just one drink.

Please, no refill.


Leave the joint,

Get back to my wheels.

Begin to head home,

I like how I feel.


Back to the house,

Park in the garage,

It’s still twilight,

And, not too dark.


So, the last few minutes,

For my “Me” time has passed.

Still, happy to be home,

After this day, at last.