
Why can\'t I be that girl

why can\'t I be that girl

you know the girl who is just perfect

the perfect hair 

perfect skin 

perfect smile

perfect everything 

why can\'t I be that girl

The girl that has people chasing her everywhere she goes

the girl who people want to be around 

why can\'t I be that girl

the girl that people listen to

the girl that people acknowledge her presence 

why can\'t I be that girl 

the girl people trust 

the girl that people make feel wanted

the girl that people love 

I can\'t be that girl

my hair is always messy or in pigtails 

my skin condition keeps my skin ugly

one of my teeth is sideways

I can\'t be that girl

no one chases after me 

they don\'t even give me a second look

no one wants me around

no one cares how I feel 

I can\'t be that girl

people ignore me when I talk

i have to do something crazy for them to notice me

and the just turn around and continue ignoring me 

no one trust me 

No one makes me feel wanted 

no one loves me

 Why couldn\'t I have been born as that girl