
A Mother

I feel love and I am compassionate,
My children I love,
My duty to nurture and protect,
I am beautiful within,
I am kind,
I am sensitive,
I will protect my young at all costs,
Who wouldn\'t?

A child\'s bond as any mother will know is instinctual,
Her loving eyes enchant me, she kisses my face affectionately.

I\'m dying,

The unbearable burning, stabbing in my heart, binds me down,
Where has my baby been taken?
I\'m drowning, No one hears me.

Adorned in worn jackets they drag my baby into the dark empty cage,
Why do these monsters abuse my baby so?
My body screaming for air that rips my lungs, I cannot breathe,
Screaming of my child pierces every particle of my body,
I pray for mercy of my baby,
Never to see my lost baby again,
Why has humanity wronged me?
Why is my life and babies but a commodity?
My life is not their\'s to use,
To maim and do as they please,
To what fate does my baby await?

What will become of me when I am weak through perpetual labour,
And no longer able to walk?
How long before I am dragged away too?

But my pleese for mercy,
My voice is lost on deaf ears,
Of the cold hearts of man.

The virtue of empathy,
extending beyond the eyes of man to the voiceless,
weak, and vulnerable is a lesson one must learn to embrace love over hierarchy.

I will protect my young at all costs,
Who wouldn\'t?