brandon k f


I went to see my cousin today 

his house is in shambles, the roof tiles rotting and crooked, while weeds and stray dogs litter his front yard

the windows are cracked, tinted, and dirty 

a hand print lies on the inside facing out

calling to someone 

I wonder who it is, yet stop caring a second later

the door, paint peeling and chipped, creaks open, like the whining of a sick dog

amd my dearest cousin, half naked, gaunt and smelly, lays spread on the couch

his face looks like the cracks on a church\'s wall in the ghetto, his eyes sunken and sullen 

he lies in malaise

a fried out rat, brain scrambled, yellow teeth chipped and rotten

his breath smelt

he turns his head to me, pipe in his hand

\"you wanna hit? It turns the bad in the good. The unclear to the clear\"

he stretches his hands out to me like the lamb of god on the cross