
Cottage Angel

In this cottage surrounded by nature and beauty,

there are so many things that seem unruly.

This nice little house is grey and green,

overgrown with vines and leaves.


Don\'t let this view fool you,

this place is not abandoned.

It\'s filled with many memories,

saddened and understanding.


Many years ago at the well in the back,

a little boy of four, fell and never came back.

The well was unused, untouched for quite a while,

but down, down he fell till his head hit the water.


His family was distraught,

and they quickly left without a thought.

Poor Grandma Jane, 

left thinking it was her fault.


She lives there alone now, all by herself.

The beautiful cottage belongs to someone else.

It belongs to the angel, who wears all black,

the one that took Kyle and never looked back.


The house is peaceful, as Grandma Jane waits,

for this cottage angel to take her away.