
Eat Crow And Apologize

That great feeling you get,

From helping out.

Someone with less,

Down and out.


And, when you do it,

Be ever so quiet.

Not boastful and loud,

Inciting a riot.


Badgering others,

Who do not follow.

The choice is their’s,

They’re hearts aren’t hollow.


Don’t question, then,

The lives they live.

Just because your cause,

They couldn’t give.


When you talk the talk,

Create an impression,

Be honest with yourself,

Do not others, pressure.


Because they don’t take,

Instructions from you,

They have their own lives,

To themselves are true.


If you want to shout,

Someone’s bad news,

Ask people to chip in,

Those with less than you.


Do so in a polite,

And, courteous way.

If others can’t help,

Tip your hat, on your way.


And, when at home,

On your bed you rest,

Accept the outcome,

Do not obsess.


We all need to,

Sleep at night.

Not face each day,

Looking for a fight.


It is only you,

That you embarrass,

When you beat a dead horse,

Bully and harass.


In the end, I know,

That’s not God’s way,

He loves us all,

Not up to you to say.