It\'s time now
Time to let go
Of the past, everything that\'s holding you back
Rise out of the darkness and exercise your potential to the fullest
For the star that had fallen was merely covered in dust
And only Temporarily at its dullest
No point to spinning your wheels to go nowhere
Just time to point yourself in a new direction
Get out of the mud and turn away from the wall
Pedal hard
Not that this path is obstacle free and clear
However, let go of the fear and take that high road
It\'s the direction you need to steer
Because when you get to the other side
You\'ll find the peace your looking for
And have the strength you\'ve gained in earning what it is your fighting for
So when that darkness comes knocking once more
And it will, believe me
It still won\'t be easy
But you can reflect and know you\'ve made it before
Show that devil he can take from you no more
Rejoice in the new freedom you will find
When every mountain is in the distance from where you\'ve traveled and from where you\'ve climbed
Good luck to you my friend
I know you can do it
And above all, finding that something to believe in again
Will be totally WORTH IT!!!