
My Stress Level

As unbearable as a baby’s cry during a thunderstorm

As heart breaking as watching your favorite TV character die

As irritating as that one person in class that never shuts their mouth

My stress level is over 9,000

It makes me want to scream as loud as

Bruce Wayne when he watched his parents die

It makes me want to drop to my knees

And yell until I lose my voice

It makes me cry like a young girl who just had her teddy bear

Taken by the big kid on the playground

The stress I encounter drives me as mad as the Mad Hatter

I feel as if the pain I feel from this stress

Is at the fault of no one but myself

As easy as it would be to just pull the trigger and end my suffering

I would rather live with this pain rather than cause my loved ones pain

I learned that there is no greater pain than watching those you love morn you when just yesterday you were all laughing and feeling happy

There’s no greater pain than hurting those you love

Except for maybe hitting your toe on the coffee table

(Laugh) Or when your phone smacks your face when you’re laying down at home

There are many ways to deal with stress, but pain isn’t one of them

I learned that the hard way when I saw someone I love crying after seeing the cuts on my arm

But that was a long time ago

I’ve gotten better since then

I’ve started reading more, listening to different types of music, many things I wouldn’t have ever thought of trying anytime soon

My point to this is that life is going to be filled with annoying people and work you don’t feel like doing

But its best to not think about the stuff you want to go away

Its best to think positive and focus on the good things in life

Like how when you get home you’ll get to watch TV or play games without having your teacher yell at you for not doing your work

Or like how in 4 years we’ll have a new president who isn’t basically grumpy cat with a tan

Long story short, life is going to be stressful,

But it’s better to look on the bright side

And if you can’t, turn on a lamp.