
A Book of my life.....

A Book of my life.. By P.H.Rose


My life is this book, with pages to turn,
filled with stories and things, of lessons I\'ve tried to learn.
Love is a word, inserted in every line,
For it was the thing, that saved me way back in time.
Death is the last page, of a lifetime etched story,
that was filled with happiness, love, hope, tragedy and glory.
Every line will be filled, with work, sweat and tears,
all moulds to my story, of a lifetime of fears.
Within this jumbled, mass of my word,
A hope that when read, my life will be heard.
Family is the section, I most like to read,
it fills me with warmth, as a Christmas glass of hot mead.
Within this family chapter, is something we always use,
Good times and laughter and the ability to amuse....
In this book of mine, I\'ll always remember one line,
\"The love that we have, will forever outlast our time\".
This section I include, but I do not relate,
is one not to ever learn, it\'s the chapter called..Hate..
Honesty and forgiveness, tolerance and peace,
are pages to remember, else our humanity will cease.
Within this life volume, in every line, on every page,
Is my record from birth, to the last breath of old age...