kevin browne

My Lovely Mate Ivan.


my dear lovely mate. The speciality of a man who still grows in being human, and from a friend who captures the moments of his beauty. His fineness greets with the comforting arms of love and caring, showing skills in maintaining the ability not to lose in giving. In allowing his power to give me a perspective on life, and in knowing his heart can hold us all together. From the ground up I witness this man to be the flower, the scent received is full of his willingness to always flourish. That through his life, he sees in wonderful golden children he breeds, committed to another level of a love filled life with Jesus desires. In looking to see around your corner, he stands always there faltering majestically with any issues that can\'t be remembered. That in his forgetting quickly, the force comes along with the winds of change, solid in gold as he favours his soul to meditate with God. Which, upon the reflection of his life that walked along some lonely streets. In disarray, he still showed the world how to stand up and play. My dear old mate, ups and downs we have and there again together, managed out our thoughts in the objective of succeeding. In understanding people who mean it to him that he\'s worth living for. The fixation of his dreams as he sleeps alongside the beauty of his thoughts. waking up to another day when I\'m sure he is still asleep. But, in doing so, his gift is the feeling of love is all around, and that I look to the stars and hope to catch a glimpse of Gods willingness. With the protection, I sit and say to myself silently loud, \"I love this man as much as I can and in doing so he will know\". My dear mate Ivan, take hold of life and grow.