

It has been not too long

Since she came out of her shell, 

It has been not too long

Since she learnt how to crawl,

Not knowing too well about herself 

So innocent, not knowing how cruel is this world

And yet she has been assaulted and abused.


A big black figure approached her, she said

She was scared, she screamed, but no one heard. 

She was too weak to fight, 

His strength and her didn\'t matched. 

She was too slow to run, 

When there was no light from the sun. 

The pain and the terror she taste,

There is no soul woud dare to face. 


To whom would she blame,

When she already knew that her life will never be the same. 

Is it her destiny to suffer this fate? 

Doesn\'t she too have the right to breathe? 

Why is she so helpless? 

I will leave with this

Answer to yourself.