
I stand on the edge

I stand on the edge of the present

Deep precipice of the past behind

Traces of wisdom learnt I find

the hill of future fog bound

To the inevitable end to climb my want


Regrets of the past I grant

Sorrows tears follow each rant

The blindfold from my eyes removed

How helpless I feel, I tried to help

Hollow that the past shows a clown

Beaten and cowed shown in sorrows frown

How stupid I feel that I could not see

People laugh at me with glee


How stupid when taken for a fool

How stupid when others fool

How lost when values debased

Weights placed on imaginary steps

To show and hold no escape


The present so short

Yet so long, the past continued

I hold feelings quiet in emotions flame

I need a release but fear freedom

I crave release but fear to hurt

I crave to release but see loneliness

I see pain when allowed to grow

And yet pain must endure

Freedom in a cage checked

From lesson learnt is the present changed

Should anger from the past

The present of future cast.


The future in haze covered

the future so clear

The futures path confused

The present into the future cannot continue

I feel the angst when the past considered

I hold my breath where the present is playing

The future at heart I feel planned

Caged and held nowhere to go

Through others eyes my mistakes seen

Through others my mistakes felt

And yet I tried to help, I tried my best

When with the world I did not dance

When with the world I did not bow

I held aloft my judgement

Do you feel a fool when you respect people

Do you feel confused when what you do is right and wrong

What do you feel when emotional hands are tied

When because of love and respect you slowly drown

When the future laughs at nothing gained

When a soul cries no more

when a heart with sadness sees darkness

The fixed precipice with glee sought