Kurt Philip Behm

The Price (+3)

Is blood,

the price of art


Is death,

the price of truth


A rose,

its thorn uncovered


And love,

—the price of youth


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)




The Wolf Unleashed


I don’t have to slay the dark,

my verse, the wolf unleashed


I don’t have to court the devil,

my words a sword unsheathed


I can live beneath the sun,

with days both clear and bright


Or sleep beneath the crescent moon,

—my poetry to fight


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)







barbell of the written word


Resistance exercise

for the status-quo


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)




I Charge Within


I put a saddle on the wind,

and rode it through the storm


The bridle placed, the buckle cinched,

the reins, my horse reborn


Inside each stirrup passion spurs,

the present now in hand


Behind whose mane I charge within,

—in search of who I am


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)