

I go to discos and

I\'m doing well at school,

I\'m only thirteen and

Never broke any rules.

Nice little home

Live with Mum and Dad,

I\'m so happy and

Never been sad.

I\'ve been to Beverley Hills

And seen all the stars,

Daddy\'s bought a house there

Mine, when I\'m twenty-one!


Last night they argued again

Then Daddy went out,

Said he doesn\'t like Mum

And won\'t come back.


Still they argue

Divorce talk on the phone,

Don\'t want to go to school

Don\'t like staying at home.

Teachers don\'t understand

My grades are going down,

I get in lots of trouble

I\'m the classroom clown.


At a party one evening

I have something to smoke,

It makes me feel happy

They tell me it\'s dope.

Next they burn white powder

I take a sniff,

This gives me nightmares

Then I\'m sick!


Mother\'s got a boyfriend

The divorce is going through,

When Daddy phones

Mum says, \"I don\'t love you!\"

I can\'t believe

That Daddy\'s really gone,

I think it\'s my fault

Something I did wrong.

Mother doesn\'t love me

My world is falling apart,

\'H\' helps me to escape

From my broken heart.


I prick my arm again

The needles don\'t hurt anymore,

Can\'t keep on my feet

So just huddle on the floor.

I have to steal food

As no money to eat,

Any money I make

Is to feed my habit.

I work out on the streets

I don\'t like men touching me,

But anything is better

Than going \'Cold Turkey\'.


Been looking through \'H\'s eyes

Into reality,

Been two years now

Can\'t get back again.

Mother\'s found out,

And trying to get me off,

But I\'m going out like the \'H\' bomb...


\'BANG\' Heroin overdose!