


How do I approach her

When She steals away my air

How do I get closer

When she’s sitting over there


What would I even say

Do I tell her my birthdays in may?

Do I tell her every things okay?

Or do I just say hey?


I don’t want my feelings to show

But when I’m around her I kind of just glow

Its her that I want to get to know

but I always pay attention to her though


but its so hard to stay

when its my heart, that I betray

I make myself stay away

But I want to wonder astray


She’s got an amazing smile

And her own unique style

For her id walk miles

Id serve any death trial.


Now its time to make a start

I’ve got to do this for my heart

I’ve got to take this part

Because this is making me fall apart


But she walks into the room

I freeze, I feel that its way too soon

Losing my breath. It feels like I’m choking on fumes

A tear in my heart, feeling completely doomed


What feels like a forever of preparation

An instant sense of hesitation

But this is my obligation

Its time To walk. To talk

And start building up the foundations.


Mocuisle Connolly