

Satan\'s army rises with a fierce battle to win, every human soul a sleeper cell boiling with sin. The devil surely owns the world and drives us with his will. True target\'s heaven above, and all we aim to kill!

Staunch defenders March the gates, they cannot quell their fear. Holy Land prepares for siege as lucifer draws near. Faithful soldiers, horrified, they watch their mortal flock. Who on earth believes Their God, head resting on the block?

Jehova will not help me!                       Allegiance has been sworn!                  Demons inside come to life,                And take on human form!

 Hoardes of demons stalk the land, infest all with their scorn. Burning down our forests to the wailing of their horns. All on earth are damned, they cower in their homes! Families ripped apart, destroy their flesh and bones.

No protection gotten from the lamb\'s blood on their door, sons and daughters torn in pieces on the floor! Soon all will bear his mark, carved into broken flesh. vacant stares adorn their gaze, Azazel does the rest!

Living land\'s been conquered!              All mortal men are slain.                      Their souls forever tortured,               Satan claims his mighty gain.