
What is love ?

What is love
Is it that
feeling in your
gut when you

Can\'t speak or
think is it
that feeling in
Your stomach when

You can\'t breathe
Or is it
that punch that
he threw at

You last week
when he told
You you were
Weak or is

It them tears
that you shed
When you cried
Yourself to sleep

Saying he loves
me he just
needs time to
think or is

It that pain
that you suffer
from the damages
to your brain

When he tied
You up in
the basement and
locked you down

With chains
leaving you there
for days making
you feel ashamed

Or is it
when he pulled
that gun out
and had the

perfect aim now
Your in a
Casket and you\'re
the only one

To blame and
It\'s cause you
didn\'t walk away
Cause you were

To ashamed sad
Part about it
Is you had
Your chance and

You let it
fade away

-Anaya D. McQueen