

I’ve seen the color Blue during some of the happiest days of my life

I saw Blue skies during the long day while I played

I saw Blue crayons on my floor during coloring time

I saw Blue fly in the air when I kicked my Blue bouncy ball

Blue was the color I saw whenever I was happy

However Blue was also the color I saw whenever I was sad

I saw a Blue glass shattered on the floor due to my mother’s anger

I saw Blue shirts being worn by those at my grandmother’s funeral

I saw Blue tears fall down my father’s face as he saw his mom in her casket

Though Blue is a beautiful color that can bring someone happiness

It is also a color that can bring out the misery of someone who is hurt

I wear Blue almost every day to remind myself that everyone has a color

Everyone has a color that tells who they are and where they’ve been

My color is Blue

And I wear it with pride

Whether I’m happy or sad, you will always know by the color that I wear.