

\"It\'s just a phase\"
If it\'s just a phase why don\'t you study
About my phases like the moon

\"You\'re just confused\"
If I\'m just confused why don\'t
I think about what genders I like
While doing a physics problem

\"You\'re going to hell\"
If I\'m going to hell for being gay
Why aren\'t you going to hell for
Disowning your child

\"You just say that you\'re gay because people think it\'s cool\"
If being gay is cool, why are they the ones that get bullied the most because
Of their sexuality

\"Don\'t be so gay\"
I thought the definition of gay was happy
Yet, I feel empty inside because I can\'t
Express my love

We should stop thinking that these phrases will make someone straight
You should embrace who you are
Because after all,
Everyone is human
Love is love