Fire in veins
the sting of calm
and everything fades
- there is no alarm.
Essence of smoke
choking on breath.
Tighten the throat -
ignore the death.
Feeling alive
without feel real.
Time has cheated,
distorted, surreal.
Clogged brain waves
with gaseous medication;
swimming the senses,
conscience on vacation.
Need of a woman -
skin like sandstone.
Eyes of envy
and words that are sewn.
Clenched fingers etch
their way to salvation,
recklessly seizing
the cause of damnation.
Ending the life
in a way that is blissful;
the sweetened isolation
of a mind that\'s still wistful.
And there it shall end;
the being of desire.
Wisdom leaking
from veins of fire.