Vena Wolf

The Seven Deadly Sins


Anger, that is all I feel.

I want revenge, for them to feel the pain that I have,

But of what would be enough?


Gluttony ~

Food, that is all I crave.

This food, it will never be shared for it is all mine,

But of what would they eat?



Rest, that is all I want.

I will rest, for I am unwilling to do anything,

But of what would be done?



Desire, that is all I feel.

I wish to be what they are, for why shouldn’t I be,

But of what would I be?



Pleasure, that is all I crave.

This intimacy, for it is not real but gives me what I want,

But of what will be real?



Theirs, that is all I  want.

I will get all that is yours, for it belongs to me,

But of what all will I have?


Pride ~

Praise, that is all i feel.

I have done this, accomplished this, for i am truly superior,

But of what have i truly done?