
Dwelling Delights

Fits tune: Quam Dilecta

(\'We love the place, O God, Wherein thine honour dwells\')

Based on Psalm 48 part


The Lord God, great is He

Greatly to be praised be

In His city most bright

Source of endless pure light


Mount of His holiness

From Zion He will bless

On the north side it stands

Desire of every lands


City of the great King

Unto Him do we sing

The joy of the whole earth

We praise Him, give Him worth


Within her palaces

God is known, and He is

A refuge, stronghold sure

Protecting evermore


For kings assembled were

They looked, did not defer

To pass by, troubled they

Knew God was there alway


God it will establish

To bless, it is His wish

And in midst of city

W have thought, even we


Thought of your mercy, grace

Lovingkindness, this place

Wherein you choose to dwell

Your goodness we do tell


For this our God for e\'er

We shall prosper, well fare

For He will be our guide

E\'en to death, we [in Him] confide