Ruby Leighton

Angel Headed Hipster

Put my palm in yours baby,

and lead me to the Solemn Streets.

Have them throw me old money.

I\'m fine because you led me here,

with your beautiful direction.


Put my palm in yours baby,

and lead me to the White House.

Leave me on Trump\'s doorstep.

I\'m fine because you led me here,

with your gorgeous direction. 


Put my palm in yours baby,

and lead me to the Crack Den. 

Let me be found with drugs in only my name.

I\'m fine because you led me here, 

with your perfect direction.


Put my palm in yours baby,

and lead me to Rikers Island.

Have them put me behind bars.

I\'m fine because you led me here,

with your omnipotent direction.


Put my palm in yours baby, 

and lead me to War.

Leave me wounded on the ground.

I\'m fine because you led me here,

with your brilliant direction.



Put my palm in yours baby,

and lead me to Hell.

Let me be smothered in flames.

I\'m fine because you led me here,

with your flawless direction.



Put your palm in mine baby,

let me lead you to Heaven.

We won\'t have to move

there\'s nothing new to see

because you are here

with me.