
Dear Life Ruiner

Stars are made from nothing but gas,

they are million of light years away.

Yet, every night

they appear winking back at me.

Stars are easy to love;

they are unaware of your existence

acceptant of your love

and, they\'re also nice to look at-

which is a bonus.

They will also melt the flesh of your bones,

if you get too close.

I guess loving you,

was like loving my own personal star

for millenniums, I kept you at arms length

afraid you would blind me but,

as I circled your orbit,

I found your gravity sucking me in.

I was infatuated by your bright eyes and

twinkling smile

and I fell hard.

Dead before I even hit the ground.

You got to close and seizing your opportunity;

you ripped the skin from my-

fragile bones layer, by layer,

by layer

and I let you.

The worst part is:

I survived.