
Arbeit Macht Frei

Men and women, children too

Are branded for their faith.

A golden star upon your chest

Suddenly, You are a wraith.

Living in a polish ghetto,

Broken glass litters the street.

Freeze to death in winter,

Your baby at your feet!


Strip you down, steal your wealth!

Nazis drink to aryan health.

Body to body in a small train car,

 Better Hope you\'re not going far!


The Germans whisper only lies!

Prepare to see your own demise!

Arbeit macht Frei!


A horror show beyond the gates!

No one gets out alive.

Executions every day!

Only the strong survive.

Black smoke fills your lungs

Coming from the stacks ahead

Those who have outlasted time

Breathing ashes of the dead.


Just sit back and take your licks.

Pray you won\'t be the next pick!

Your brother marches toward the stacks!

You know he\'s never coming back!


Children with no mothers cry!

Who will be the next to die?