Kurt Philip Behm

The Circle Still Unbroken

Never sure of what I started,

I wrote my final words


And found a stream to fill the well,

with verses left unheard


My last line most important,

leading back toward the first


The circle still unbroken,

—and all doubt now quenched of thirst


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)



Epiphanous Light


Poetry travels

where Prose cannot go


To sleep with the stars,

by heaven aglow


Each new verse a planet,

orbiting round…


An Epiphanous light,

—burning profound


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)


The Reckoning


The vision intrudes,

stealing ink from my pen


A thief in the night,

—leaving words that portend


A warning’s been given,

its mantle thrown down


But truth will speak over,

—what darkness avows


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)