Laurie christine


I sit here again writing down

The thoughts from the day

That are wandering around

My mind is awake but my body is tired

Sometimes I wish that moms could be fired

I start out the day in a mass of confusion

Lord tell me I am dreaming

Its just an illusion

Breania is hungry 

Jr stinky wet 

Carissa is whining

Me nuts you bet

Thing get mellow for an hour or so

Then in comes Carissa 

With blood on her toe 

Jr starts screaming he wants to go out

Breania still riding her bike all about

Once again things are quiet

Will it stay that way 

Knock knock its Joann 

Can Breania play 

No she needs to stay home for a while

Joann walks away with a sigh and a smile

Breania starts screaming and kicking her feet 

Mom why can\'t I play 

No wait till we eat

She wakes up Jr from his very short nap

Now all he wants is to sit on my lap

Oh boy its daddy he\'s home for the day 

Now mom can hide 

Its dads turn to play

So off up the stairs

With my vacume and broom

He\'ll think I\'m cleaning

While I hide in my room 

9 minutes have passed

And  not a sound

12  and a half still no ones around

Knock on wood 15 is here

Still quiet as a mouse and its lonely up here

So down stairs I go Eager to be

With the ones that I love

And the ones who love me