

Confusion is the most shittiest feeling when it comes to commitment. I\'ve always dreamt of someone that makes me happy, someone that excepts me. I have someone that even though he\'s not quite mature and can be annoying at times, I love him. But then I ask myself, \"Am I ready to be dedicated to one person and one person only?\". I want to be wild. But I want him. I don\'t want to lose someone who may be the only person that\'s willing to settle down with me. He keeps me from doing the worse things that go through my mind. He\'s my drug. Like when a kid has ADHD and takes this medicine to keep calm. He\'s my ADHD medication.

I don\'t know where or if I even go wrong when I say the things I do on this \"commitment\", but wherever it takes me I know I\'ll make the best out of it. It\'s my life. You only get one shot right?