

Words cannot describe her. She is beautiful. Effortlessly so.

The way she lights up a room with her smile. Oh, her smile. It\'s perfect, the way her lips curl up at the edges, the lines that appear beside her eyes.

Wow, her eyes. They\'re lustrously blue, her sapphires shine when she speaks. They glow in the light, like a lure. They have a certain, indescribable ore that emits warmth and tranquility. As I know that I am able to be myself when I look into those eyes, I know that I won\'t be judged and I know that I am safe.

The first time we were alone, it was pathetic. It wasn\'t how I planned or wanted, I got nervous, I was under her charm and I couldn\'t bring myself to get any words out. It was cold but once again I was warm with her despite every hardship we faced that night she told me she felt safe. Even at 3am surrounded by hapless visages, she was safe. That is my proudest moment to this day, knowing that she feels safe in my arms.

I tried so hard to make it obvious, i\'d tell her she looks beautiful at every opportunity. I wouldn\'t let her walk on the outside of the pavement as I was worried about her safety, I laughed with her, had the best time of my life with her but she never realised this ever growing love I have for her.

However, what hurts, is how she cannot see that she is beautiful, how he treats her. He doesn\'t care like I care, he doesn\'t want her like I want her. He doesn\'t need her like I do. She looks at him for hope, he throws it back in her face and it infuriates me. How can a pearl like her become broken by a simple grain of sand like him? He doesn\'t look at her the way I look at her, he doesn\'t tell her she looks beautiful. This hurts, this girl, this enchantress, this beauty is slowly being worn away by somebody who is merely a spec to her life.

So if she ever gets the chance to read this, I hope she doesn\'t get mad or upset. I hope she finally realises, I want her, I need her, for her. For the majestic, beauty that she is, not for a fake persona that is in place to fool people, to avoid letting them in. There\'s more to her than what meets the eye and i would happily spend every minute of everyday hearing things about her, I could talk about her for hours on end.

These words cannot justify my emotions, I want to tell her, but I just can\'t. I cannot risk losing a friendship. So for now these are just empty words with only meaning for myself. One day. One day she\'ll know that these words were for her.