Fits tune: Dove of Peace
(\'I come with joy to meet my Lord\')
Based on parts of Matthew 26 v.1 - 30
When Jesus He in Bethany
At house of Simon be
A woman precious ointment poured
On Him, she Him adored
Then protests, why this seeming waste
Poured out at once with haste
Why not sold, plus three hundred days
Of wages, total pays
Yet Jesus comforts her, her deed
Done out of love indeed
A good work done, though still the poor
Remain with them for sure
For Jesus would not always be
With them, company, see
And He explained to them that she
Anointed His body, He
He so commended her right true
A great work she did do
Did what she could, as days went on
\'Til burial of the Son
She had anointed Him, prepared
Him for burial, shared
In such a deed. world-wide would be
Told, memory of her, see
Sad, dark, compared was Judas\' deed
He to evil did heed
Betrayed Jesus, for silver priced
Thirty pieces sufficed