


If I was Jim Henson I would have created a place called “Cantankerous”,
Little Muppets® would argue and there would always be strife,
Each episode would teach you something beautiful about life,
Being human to Cantankerins would be absurd,
But in every episode you would learn a new word,
Such as love, dream and hope
Words that help little creatures cope,
In hours of uncertainty,
I would teach them the word: free
And when they are in despair
They would learn another word: care.

Cantankerous is a land of upside down trees painted blue and gold,
Cantankerins never die and can’t grow old,
And in their air airbrushed pink paisley sky
Cantankerins never question why?,
Because if you never die than you won\'t question why,
Or ask things like how do birds fly and have wings?,
Why do dogs bury bones or children sing?
For humans love and then they die,
Which beckons them to question why?


I\'ll try to answer the question if I can,
Because God created himself in the image of man,
And gave us a gift which we never understand,
It’s called Love,
It is love Love,
A moment of grace,
The time we exist in this place,
On a shiny star spinning out in space,
It’s a dream in all its majesty,
It’s a story on a tapestry,
The narrative of all of us,
And it hangs in the kingdom of Cantankerous

BR April 2016