
Everlasting Love

Love is flawed and complex,

often destroying people with its effects.

It works in many intricate ways

leaving hopeless romantics in a daze.


We believed our story would differ from the rest.

We truly considered our journey to the be best.

We fell in love quickly, probably too soon,

but we complimented each other like the sun and the moon.


But as quickly as we fell in love, our love fell apart.

Maybe our love was doomed to end from the very start.

Love is born only to inevitably die;

people say hello just to eventually say goodbye.


We were two deceiving puzzle pieces,

and regardless of us being individual masterpieces,

we could never complete each other, I admit,

even though at first glance we seemed to fit.


Love is mistaken and unfair,

shattering hearts hearts beyond repair.

No matter how ideal a pair may seem,

true everlasting love is only but a dream.