
Branching out

Reaching for something that might manifest into real love

Like a curse that has yet to be lifted

Barricading my every move

These freaks who long to prove to me their sick ideas of admiration

Calling me constantly


and over


Blocking their numbers so that they can temporarily remain unseen

Their words, spoken in tones so morose and unclean



Showing up everywhere I happen to be


Souls too torn to ever set anyone free

I will admit, I have made some mistakes

Fondling penises attached to men I will never know

I only realize my wrong-doing somewhere, later, in the afterglow

They clamber

They hold on

They take all of the bullshit that I feed them, even though they can see that I have already thrown them away

I wonder what their families will say when I start making some phone calls of my own

A bunch of nut jobs that try to make me feel as though I must make amends with them

This last one swears to me that he needs me in his life

But, he has a wife and I am nothing more than a fucking dirty lie

I tried to meet him somewhere close to half way

But, every time that I made it that far, the douche bag would not listen to a single thing that I had to say

Branching out, I am a tree

Stuck in the soil with the nutrients that make me see too well

Most of these idiots are without souls

They are dark entities that come into my life to take me for a walk through their own personal Hell

Clearly, if I were to ever become so low, I would have one of my own

Perhaps I should just force myself to become satisfied with being here, essentially, alone

He turned his back too quickly, so soon

I heard a warning call in the dark stillness of the night

Spoken by The Mother God who whispers to me from the depths of the Moon

Everywhere that I turn, there is someone\'s nose in my face begging to be buried within the cheeks of my ass

The funny thing is, I know that I am not the catalyst that they seek

I am a mystic traveler held back by the pull of the tide with vision that has been temporarily impaired by millions of liquid droplets that emotional happenstance has forced me to cry

My confidence comes not from my pride, but from the pure loving light of God

It beams down always upon my brow

I have oddities about me that nobody can fathom, nor comprehend

I wish that I could somehow show them that their hearts are, in themselves, obstacles that even my strength could never mend

I have given so many way too much of me, but the times when I did so are long gone

No matter how deep their obsession with me becomes, they will be left behind to fondle my shadow while the rest of me marches on

In reality, we really had nothing

The me of his delusions was never there

It\'s over

I\'m gone

Be aware of my light no more.....
