Elizabethan Sea

Dear Wisdom Teeth...

Dear Wisdom Teeth,


We\'ve known each other a really long time. Since the day I started growing teeth in fact. You know all my secrets about which types of foods I like to eat to how I massage the back of my jaw when it\'s sore. And I don\'t mind that. You\'ve always been a very polite molar, quiet and reserved out of sight. That\'s how it should be, cozy in your own little place in the back of my jaw. However, as of late you\'ve become a little too pushy and the other teeth are starting to complain. They\'ve been shoved up tight on the lower jaw and it is a most disagreeable arrangement. It seems there is not enough room for you all to fit there now that you are becoming bigger and moving in. What happened to the humble incisor I used to know?


The last time a dentist had the privilege of examining our family of shiny dentures, he was rather disappointed in you, I\'ll have you know. Although I keep you all very clean, you have been rather rebellious and greedy I hate to say. Taking more than your fair share, and bullying the others into a cramped line at the front. Consequently, Mr. Dentist has highly recommended that I expel you from the Mouth and as soon as possible at that. I really wish this was not necessary. It could have been so nice if you\'d just stayed in your place like you have up until now. But perhaps it is not your fault intentionally. Afterall, everyone must grow and you must have felt very cramped back there. So perhaps this will be best for both of us, a win-win, when you are free from your bonds. Perhaps that is what you have been hinting at as you peeked out from under the gums and made cleaning more tedious and challenging for the floss. So I promise to you that I will be releasing you soon to leave the nest, as soon as I have the funds and time. Until then lets make the best of our remaining time together and patiently halt your growing for now.


Ever yours,

