Does your structure inhibit
the meaning
Does a smile work to cover your
Does today mean much less
than tomorrow
Are your messages forever
the same
Do you write before feelings
have woken
The letters pretty, in cursive
When your words leave the pulpit,
Do you retreat to the very
last pew
Is there refuge as darkness
Locking windows where the sun
used to shine
Is your format now holding
you captive
And a victim,
—the prisoner of time
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
At Ease And Unfurled
Is your pathway to heaven now structured
with those words that your verse seeks to pray
Is your stairway straight up or diverted,
with remittance and debts to repay
Is your meaning construed or verbatim,
with intention set free of this world
Is your love what was given or taken,
—with your heart now at ease and unfurled
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
God To Reject
The question outliving the answer,
the chosen—their verdict was death
The prophecy destroying the prophet,
religion—its God to reject
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)
Last Words
Can you pray without a doctrine,
can you sing above the choir
Can you cast off earthly burdens,
can you burn without the fire
Can you give, no longer taking,
can you welcome strangers in
Can you love beyond all feeling,
—your last words to then forgive
(Villanova Pennsylvania: April,2017)