Adrianna Kjeld

You can see I\'m not Perfect, let me be

I’ve got wreaking bad breath!
Just kidding!  It smells like minty freshness.
Since the 5th grade I’ve been  nothing but obsessive
and afraid of silly things, like complete  rejection.
Glad I didn\'t know about lethal injections.
I’ll take it to a serious note,  children playing games... 
when kids begin to pick on you and call you ugly names, 
but after a while it became my claim to fame. 
In middle school I dyed my hair and played the simple game, 
I came out as bisexual and cut myself and it became my haime,
beside my popularity with  which I started to gain.
I barely made it to high school, and everything withered away
I was back to being nobody, full of sorrow and full of pain.
By my Jr year, I wanted nothing but to hang.
I left myself briefly, and realized I was grieving, 
so I left that nasty place of immature children,  breathing.
I found my simple happy place, taking long walks
and having stupid talks.

That became my hobby. 

You can laugh, or be all snobby, 
but this was the best thing that has come to be,  
graduating high school has become a reality. 
Something I could have never seen in my pasts\' brutality.
I think that’s all the deep stuff about me you ought to know, toodle do and off I go.