Fay Slimm.




Love, the underprized eternal God-word
has become today

mostly outmoded.

Alteration stains its disguised state, for
love, absurdly changed to shadows
has become pretence

and been coroded.

Masquerading as some trait of worth,
love lies weakened and is nowhere
special, seen by some

as almost inept.

Left unnurtured, this thing called love
just withers further, doubt invades,
and its power fades

to mere senselessness.

Desecration of a word turned usurper,
love so deteriorates that users
agree this love is of

no consequence,

just an emotion,

unfelt thus demeaned.

Once confessed love needs constancy,
otherwise as with any mistook
God-word, compromised

love may become

seen as surreal.

Yet who believes needs to look closer

to view its deep meaning.