Kurt Philip Behm

The Last Bell (+4)

Senses untamed,

spaces to reign


Bodies that die,

spirits to fly


By length or by width,

time is a myth


Dimension aground,

essence refound


Eyes looking forward,

eyes looking back


Eyes looking inward,

soul reattached


All that was spoken,

providence sings


Grand sublimation,

—last bell to ring


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)




The Debt


Buying my life back,

a Poem at a time


The debt was slowly paid,

in rhythm and in rhyme


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)



Still Lost


Though great were Joyce’s writings,

—his preference was to sing


Irish ballads and Welsh folk songs,

his raucous nights to bring


With transience his dearest Muse,

words speaking for themselves


His truth to roar from greater depths,

—still lost within himself


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)




Transfusion\'s Masquerade


 How can you teach Poetry,

or breathe for someone else


Sharing what your soul has freed,

deep within yourself


Can you cross a bridge unbuilt,

its toll not yours to pay


Squeezing blood from wounds long healed,

—transfusion’s masquerade


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)




Distant Thunder


We were there,

but we weren’t


We took part,

and we didn’t


There was war,

with all affected


There was death,

and some objected


There was music,

we got lost in



left us frozen



drove us inward



for beginners


Half a century,

now forgotten


Ten short years,

in time begotten


Raged a storm,

of hope and wonder


Alive today,

—a distant thunder


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2017)