
Thoughts While waiting for Chinese takeaway.

Thoughts while waiting for a Chinese takeaway

No connection at all, just words
That ran through my head
While waiting for my take away.


The last day

I see but you do not watch
I hear but you will not listen
I give but you will always take
I feel but you are cold inside
I hope but all hope has gone
I love but non will be returned . I leave but from you no last words


Alone again..

The quiet holds
me to account.
The cost of silence
too much to bear.
The stillness will now
Never break.....


Doubt get out..

A day too long to breathe,
Your poisoned breath.
No more I fear your,
Words hold truth.
For Doubt !! I send
You on your way....


To finish....


I am the engineer of my life.

The pilot of my history.


The captain of my soul...

I am....me......