Hunted Stag


Darkness deep within
A cancer of the soul
Twisting love into hate

A black road
Falling further downwards
Yet always an upwards struggle

Rays of hope
Beams of support
Shrouded by thick mist

Voice of reason
Birdsong at dawn
Hidden by your louder thoughts

So fearful
So trapped
So blinded
So deafened

You are alone now

Feelings are chemicals
But you are tired of being numb
You try to feel
But the chemicals in you now are different

Your mother screams when she finds you
You do not hear her
For you are deafened

Blue lights fill the sky as the paramedics arrive
You do not see them
For you are blinded

Your body shuts down
You cannot move
For you are trapped

You leave this life
Deafened, blinded, trapped
Your soul stays fearful