The Compound


Backward in time

To the golden age of monetary expansion

Reno, Nevada

Their was this selfish need for the elitists to build the arsenal that has housed the less fortunate ever since the demand for its erection

Upon further inspection, it seems that the blueprints were never drawn

They must have received some sign from Venus or some other celestial body never known to be worship worthy before

Their was a storm 1983

Ancient burial mounds came sliding down into that area of the town

There was an agenda set for building to began 

So, atop the bones it began, which began the curse

From the base up to the peaked rooftops

Fueled by the uneducated and unfortunate ones with their constant misuse of the craft that has been practiced in these parts for centuries

The Voodoo, most likely brought forth from the shadows that linger upon foreign islands, noticeably sunnier these days

Black magic, obviously, never pays the bills...

They succumb to the idolatry of man-made deities

They conger up energies that were never supposed to exist

They missed their trains back home because too many portals have been left open

Like doors, they must be sealed tightly so that the ebony essences will not become super-imposed upon the vortexes that polka-dot the sky and the ground

Like the one that surrounds The Compound

I heard that a group of young children recently found human skull fragments and bones that again were somehow unearthed

Reminding us all of the forefathers of Stone Masonry that settled this place and their sick little plan

One that I was, of course, drawn into several years ago by a friend of mine who did not know how to play nice at show and tell

As homage to her, now deceased, I shall investigate the truth and get to know it, perhaps, way too well

Now I completely understand why her father went from upstanding guy in the biker scene to withering, empty, methamphetamine ridden shell

Historical facts are all that stand as witnesses

A forlorn reality that is as plain as black and white

Nothing more than yet another senseless war

A spiritual fight in attempt to out each other for the other ones chosen paths

The wrath will never cease to inhabit those who further violate the already tainted grounds

Heroin junkies


Murder in the first degree

Right out in the open

On blast for all the poor little innocent children to see

I am beginning to believe that I may have been sent back here to try and help free it from timeless pain

All of the lies hidden


The documentation points fingers towards blaming it all on nothing more than the rain...
