
The world we live in.

Lately to this world I feel so disconnected,
Wanting nothing more than to be connected.

For life I am trying to find a meaning,
But everything I find so demeaning.

Money, power and materialism I find so pointless.
Why can\'t everyone be kind and just help the helpless?

Corporations ruling and diminishing the world.
But no one cares, in our own heads we are curled.

Money has no meaning, just a piece of paper it has become.
Yet we think those without it are scum.

I look at the numbers showing my bank balance.
I feel nothing, no joy, no pain as I sit here in silence.

Money is said to be the root of all evil,
I agree money today is so deceitful.

I think this world could be hell.
All I want to do is scream and yell.

Or maybe life is just a test,
To see how we can become the best.