

It\'s not just a phase.
Not all of us experience being in this dreadful place.
But us who are, fear it.
People who aren\'t, don\'t understand it.
Before I was depressed I didn\'t understand suicide.
I always thought why.
But now I understand.
It\'s a terrible state of mind.
I don\'t wish depression on anyone.
It\'s lonely and the pain is excruciating.
Some drowned themselves in alcohol or pills to numb the pain.
But no matter how much you run depression is there and isn\'t going anywhere.
You can\'t drink it away.
You can\'t just take pills.
You can\'t commit suicide.
You have to fight.
People who have depression are the strongest people mentally.
Everyday they\'re fighting a battle with themselves.
They\'re fighting the battle whether or not to take their lives or to keep living the pain.
To take another pill or dump them down the drain.
To drink another beer or to get help.
These are all just some things we people with depression face daily.
It\'s a lonely and dreadful fight.