Fay Slimm.

Inside Breath.


Inside Breath.

Soaked in deep mystery,
conceived through life\'s troublesome times
and caught invitingly inside breath stands a
vision of Paradise lost, ready to be regained
because intuition insists.

It helps ageless perception
by conjuring cotton-wool clouds whose drip
never ceases to feed minds with discernment
inside and out and cannot be from any but 
mind\'s awareness if reflected.

Wild dreams become tamed
when flowers of insight blossom yet never
wilt with allowed ire, nor ever are severed
inside the breath, as young freshness never
would find if blindness remained.

As a white whispering dove
will stay quiet until high-flying then proudly
stride into heaven itself to release a dream
held fast inside, so are aspects of poetical
breath felt by those who know love