brianna jean zeiger

Hi, I\'m Fat!

Hi! I\'m fat!
at 7 years old my crush said that I take up space for 2 people instead of 1.
Since then my insecurity of my weight hangs over my head and is always in my thoughts no matter what I\'m doing, it\'s a constant fear.

Hi! I\'m fat!
It\'s not like I don\'t know that.
I realized at a young age I don\'t look like the other girls at my school, or on TV, or really anyone at all.

Hi! I\'m fat!
I\'ve heard you said that about me but it\'s not like I totally don\'t know that. But thank you for the constant reassurance that my rolls, extra skin and cellulite make up the fact I\'ll never have a guy love me.

Hi! I\'m fat!
What? Don\'t look at me like that.
Oh is it different now? Now that your testosterone levels increased and you\'re finally into girls with \"a little more to love.\"

Hi! I\'m fat!
Thank you for completely ruining my self image! I can\'t even wear a bathing suit in front of my boyfriend without crying.
I just lost 25 pounds but I still look in the mirror and break down because I look like a whale and while I wear an 8 in jeans, I look at myself and see an 18.

Hi! I\'m fat!
You say I look 150 but I feel 250.
I\'m now obsessed with what I wear because I was taught at a young age many things aren\'t \"flattering\" to my body shape, \"don\'t wear stripes\", \"no bright colors\", \"always get a size bigger\"

Hi! I\'m fat!
But now you want me and say Taht I\'m \"phat\" but I don\'t believe that cause I\'m mentally destroyed from the mental abuse I got as a child and I hope you know that you\'re one of the reasons skip meals and pray that I lose 5 lbs so I\'m closer to my goal.

Hi! I\'m fat!
Body Dysmorphia is my life now.
Thanks to you I see a completely different person in the mirror. You say I\'m thin, thick, curvy. I say I\'m fat, obese, over weight, a cow. So thank you for mentally fucking me up!